Saturday, January 10, 2009

New Way to Sell Digital Music From SanDisk

I have decided to wirte English blog to improve my English skill.

The theme is to show my ideas about technology update, which is distributed by Bloomberg Boot Camp( Then every title will be used from the same title of that site. I will just write my ideas, then if you would llike to know a topic of blog, please check its web site.

I can study both Enlish and Technology trend to use this blog.  

Let's start the first topic!

I don't think it will be sold well. People who would like to listen to music with a music player would like to listen to music they like. Bundling such songs is not attractive for almost all people.

1 comment:

  1. An interesting blog!

    I just have some advice about writing in English...try to soften your opinions a little, or write more balanced opinions. People often stop listening to strong opinions that state things in as being 100%, because it sounds like the speaker / writer is inflexible and doesn't consider all possible positions.

    Use words like "some people" "sometimes" "not really useful" etc to soften your opinions. Using modal verbs "might" may" etc is also helpful in this area.

    Anyway, good luck with your blog!
